1. The academic session of the college from June to May.
2. Admission to the College begins after the publication of the CHSE Examination results & continues till the last day prescribed for such admission by the University .
3. A student seeking admission is required to apply in the prescribed form within the specified date. Before one is admitted into the College, he / she and his / her guardian has to sign an undertaking form that the student will abide by the rules of the College.
4. Ordinarily Admission is allowed on the ground of merit and conduct of a student. Admission in the College cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
5. Each student must register in the College the address at which he / she resides.

1. As soon as the practical groups are formed and notified, it is the duty of a student to find out the particular group to which he /she been assigned .If he/she is not included in any of these groups. He/She must bring the fact to the notice of the principal, by writing an application.
2. Every student is required to attend his/her classes regularly and punctually. Concerted absence without leave is a serious breach of College discipline.
3. Students should take their seats before the teacher enters the class room and should not generally leave their seats during the course of a lecture.
4. A student who arrives late may be allowed into the class room if the concerned teacher agrees to it.

1. Under the regulation of the University a Student in order to be eligible for being sent up for the University Examination is under obligation to attend in each subject a minimum of 75% of lectures, tutorials, practicals etc. calculated separately.
2. The University considers application for the condonation of the shortage of attendance only in exceptional cases i.e. if it falls between 60% and 75%.
3. Students are advised not to be absent themselves from classes otherwise they are liable to be detained irrespective of their performance in the College examination.
4. Students having less than 60% of attendance in each of the subjects offered shall not be promoted to the next higher class or shall not be sent up to fill up the forms of Utkal University.
5. Students having less than 70% of attendance in each of the subject offered to him/her shall not be eligible to file nomination for contesting for any post of +3 students union.

1. Fees must be paid by 3.30 p.m.on the day fixed for collection at Oriental Bank of Commerce through Bank Challan. Failure in this regard will enforce the removal of the defaulter’s name published in the college notice board.
2. Any kind of fine on grounds of indiscipline will be realized along with the Re-admission fees.
3. Student cannot claim exemption from the payment of default fine or re-admission fee as a matter of right. Such exemption rests solely on the discretion of the Principal.
4. College tuition fees along with other fees, if any, for the remaining months of the academic session,will be realized from a student before he is allowed to fill up the Application form for the University Examination.
5. Declaration of class promotion result of student can be withheld in case of non-payment of College dues, non-return of Library books, shortage of attendance etc.

1. All written applications should be submitted in the College Office and the students need not waste time waiting to submit their applications to the Principal personally.
2. The Concerned Honours students should contact their respective HOD to solve their problems before coming to the Principal.
3. Students having grievances/ complaints should bring them to the notice of the Principal / Administrative Bursar by means of a written application.They may, however meet the Principal with their grievance only during the fixed hours for personal hearing, if it is necessary.
4. Students are not ordinarily allowed to enter into the College Office. They should transact all their business in the College Office through the counters.
5. The elected representatives of different bodies are required to contact the respective Advisor /Vice President before coming to the Principal.

A uniform College Dress Code is compulsory for the students. A student deviating the rule must be fined Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred ) only.

1. All office orders,decisions and instructions are given on the College notice boards placed at different points in the College premises. Every student should see the Notice Board to obtain the necessary information. Ignorance of students due to negligence will not be accepted as an excuse.
2. No student should remove any notice from the board which will prevent his fellow students from getting the required information. Removal of notice is a serious offence.
3. If clarification or elaboration of any information, given on the Notice Board is required, the student may contact the Administrative Bursar for detailed information.
4. Every student should go through the College Calendar for his/her own interest.
5. No. student is allowed to affix private notice on the College Notice Board without permission of the Principal.
6. Students should not spit on the walls,floor,pillars or doors of the College building,nor should they disfigure College walls and garden in any manner.
7. Students must not tamper with or damage the College electrical fittings,furniture,laboratory fittings, apparatus, library books, journals, newspapers etc.
8. In case of any damage to the College property, the cost of the damaged article along with the fine shall be realized from the concerned students.
9. Students are required to keep their bicycle under proper lock and key in the cycle shed provided for the purpose in order to avoid theft. Bicycle should under no circumstances be kept under portico or in the verandahs in front of class rooms.
10. Students are forbidden from using of mikes and loud speakers inside the College premises without specific written permission from the Principal.
11. Frequent movement of the students in the corridors and making cat calls and other disturbance when classes are in progress are strictly prohibited. The college authorities give utmost importance to discipline. So, student indiscipline inside the campus is viewed very seriously.
12. Every student should bring his/her College identity card everyday to College.
13. In addition to the acts of breach of discipline as mentioned in Orissa Education Code, smoking and chewing (betel) inside the College premises are strictly prohibited.