Mo College Abhijan Parichalana Sangathan (MCAPS)

An initiative by the Government of Odisha through the Department of Higher Education Mo College Abhijan is an innovative programme of the Government for the all round development of the colleges in Odisha. The sole goal of this Abhijan is to involve the Alumini in the progress & prosperity of college. Being one of the pioneers of such a welfare programme of Higher Educational Institutions, Choudwar College,Choudwar, Dist- Cuttack has played a key role in making the programme a grand success. As proposed by Mo College Abhijan Parichalana Sangathan our college formed a committee under the Chairmanship of our Principal Sri Shiva Narayan Rana in which Dr. Umesh Chandra Debata, Reader (SS) in Political Science is the Co-ordinator, Sri Sarat Kumar Mallick, Reader (SS) in Mathematics, Sri Sumanta Kumar Sahoo, Lecturer in Political Science, Sri Anirudha Mohanty, Alumnus, Sri Tarakanta Sarangi, Alumnus, Sri Sanjaya Behera, Alumnus, Sri Rajkishore Samantaray, Sri Ashok Kumar Das are the members. In order to watch the inauguration ceremony of the Mo College Abhijan on 21 st March 2021 (Sunday) at 4 p.m. onwards. Our college organized a meeting with banners, photographs, video clips in which 200 participants were present including Teachers, non-teaching staff, Alumni, Local intellectuals , Repoters of News papers and students, who eagerly enjoyed the inauguration ceremony by the Honble Chief Minister, Sri Naveen Pattnik. The Chairman Sri Shiva Narayan Rana and the Co-ordinator Dr. Umesh Chandra Debata clearly explained the audience as to how the college is a platform to join our institution with the Alumni for all round progress & prosperity of the college.