Rangers Unit

Ranger leader-Mrs. Rachita Behera , Lect.in Edu.
Objectives-The purpose of the movement is to contribution to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of the local, national and international communities.

Principles: The Rovers /Rangers Movement is based on the following principles.
1. Duty to God:
2. Duty to others:
3. Duty to Self–

Motto: “Service”

The method- The Rover and Ranger method is a system of progressive self-education through:
A promise and law,
Learning by doing.

The Promise:
The promise for the Rovers/Rangers On my honour, I Promise that I will do my best to do my duty
To God and my Country
To help other people and
To obey the scout/Guide Law.

The law for the Scout/Rovers and Guide/Rangers:
A Scout/Guide is trustworthy.
A Scout/Guide is loyal.
A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/Sister to every other scout.
A Scout/Guide is courteous.
A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
A scout/Guide is disciplined and helps to protect public property.
A scout/Guide is courageous.
A scout/Guide is thrifty.
A scout /Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.

No report due to COVID19


Rovers leader - Sri Aranyaka Routray , Lect.in Comm
The College is having a Rovers Unit Under, the BHARAT SCOUT AND GUIDE Unit-3 BBSR.
The object of the Rovering movement is to develop good citizenship among the young men by developing their character, health, Handicrafts and skill and the spirit of service. This is achieved through various interesting activities provided in the programme. The programe is mostly outdoor oriented and aims at making the young men efficient in the out-of-doors through camping, hiking and other outdoor activities and at the same time trains them to achieve self-reliance through self education.
This Programme deals with young men of 17 to 25 are called Rover Scout (Training stage). The movement provides a Progressive Programme of activities and achievement and goes to develop the type of character which is needed in young in the country. The aim of the Rover session, with its motto ‘Service’ is to prepare them to occupy their proper place in the society and to be of service to the community, thus enabling them to take the country a step forward in development. Thus, the motto of the movement, ‘Do your best’ to ‘Be prepared for Service’ can be fully achieved only if a young man passes through all the three stages of training.i.e.cubing (age range from 6 to 10) scouting (age range 10+ to 17), rovering (17 to25)
For a Rover a uniform dress is compulsory. The code of conduct for Rover Unit is according to the Guidelines of the BHARAT SCOUT AND GUIDE .