≫ Annual seminar of the Department of political science on 08.01.25
≫ Internal exam of +3 3rd semester Arts Science and Commerce students
≫ Blood donation camp by YRC
≫ Self defence training programme for +2 1st year girls student for the session 2024-25
≫ Instructions to all the students of +2 2nd year(arts,science, commerce)while entering to the examination hall
≫ Collection of admit card for annual Higher secondary examination
≫ Suspension of all the classes of +3 1st semester, 3rd semester, 5th semester and +21st year (arts, science, commerce) due to+2 2nd year (arts, science, commerce)internal assessment examination 2024
≫ Observation of National Mathematics Day in the Department of Mathematics
≫ Monthly seminar of the Department of political science on the topic of "HUMAN RIGHTS "
≫ Monthly seminar of the Department of political science on the topic of NEP-2020 and its relevance at present time
≫ Awareness programme on joining the India Army
≫ Enrolment of +3 students in future skill prime-NSQF Aligned course proposed by NASSCOM
≫ FIRST AID TRAINING CAMP FOR youth Red Cross volunteers
≫ A joint meeting of the student union, dramatic society and +2 cultural Wing on 18.12.2024
≫ TCS iON employability Readiness Program for under graduate students
≫ Common holiday list for the session 2025
≫ Meeting of the purchase committee, academic Council and library committee
≫ Interdisciplinary seminar by department of chemistry in association with IQAC
≫ Celebration of soil day by botany department
≫ Inauguration of self defence training programme of the session 2023-2024
≫ +3 3rd semester girl students provisionally selected to undertake self defence training programme
≫ Advertisement for master trainer of self defence training programme
≫ Meeting of the newly constituted self defence training club
≫ +2 2nd year Arts /science/com, internal Assessment 2024,(23/12/24 to 27/12/24)
≫ Process of ABC id creation.
≫ Rally on the WORLD AIDS DAY
≫ GK competition result on the eve of Constitution Day
≫ Celebration of Constitution Day
≫ Notice for GK competition on the eve of constitution day
≫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrDkTuzQbOY
≫ Cultural and literary competition on -18/11/24
≫ UG 5th semester form fill up
≫ Science exhibition 09/11/24.
≫ The college will remain closed on 31/10/24 (Diwali)
≫ Notice for Shahid Madha Singh Haath Kharch Yojana
≫ Vigilance awareness week 2024 observed on 28th oct to 3rd november 2024.
≫ The college will remain closed due to cyclone Dana .on 23/10/24 to 25/10/24
≫ College will remain close from 10.10.24 to 16.10.24 on account of puja vacation.
≫ Short term competitive course starts on 5/10/2024 . The course is complimentary.
≫ Welcome and seminar of commerce society will be held on 01.10.24
≫ YRC Induction and HIV/ AIDS Awareness programme will be held on 28.9.24 at 11 AM in Hall no -107.
≫ English Debate and General knowledge competition will be held on 1st October at Room no 107.
≫ Food fair will be held on 4.10.2024.
≫ Condolences meeting
≫ Odia to English Translation Program - 21 September 2024
≫ WALK-IN-INTERVIEW ON DT. 04.08.2024 AT 10 AM
≫ Recruitment Notice
≫ http://cbcs.uuems.in/syllabus.html
≫ Placement Cell NOTICE
≫ Staff council meeting
≫ A meeting of the Officer in Charge
≫ The Vigilance Awareness Week
≫ Lab assistant vacancy for Physics and Zoology