Association & Societies
1. The College Development Council consists of the Principal as the Chairman, the Vice-Principal as the Vice-Chairman and all the bursars and two senior teachers as members.
2. It sits twice a year to discuss the academic and infrastructural development and suggests measures for the overall development of the College.
3. The Development council is vested with the responsibilty of monitoring the plans and programmes embodied in the master plan. It aims at achieving the goals and objective of the Colleges as envisaged in the vision statement.
4. As the most important committee of the College, it has the power to supervise the work of different committees and co-operate their activities for the smooth functioning of the College under the guidance of the Principal.
1. The library Committee is formed by the Principal in every academic session.
2. The members of the Committee assess the stock position and the requirement of the library.
3. The annual purchase of books from the College development fund and the UGC assistance is decided in the meeting of the Library Committee.
4. The Library Committee also suggests ways and means to recover the books from the defaulter students and the staff members and accordingly the Principal takes adequate steps.
5. It also recommends the titles of the text book and reference books, journals and magazines to be purchased, keeping in view the requirements of the staff and the students.
6. The Library committee interacts with the students regarding this service provided to them by the library and the library and the reading room and accordingly suggests the Librarian and the Asst. Librarian for improvement.
1. The Examination Committee is constituted by the Principal for the smooth conduct of the examinations of the College and the University.
2. The committee decides the probable dates of the test examinations to be conducted by the College in consultation with the College Academic Council.
3. The Committee discharges the function of the printing of question papers for the College examinations, and of matters relating to the evaluation of answer scripts, tabulation work and despatch of progress reports of the students to their guardians.
4. Besides the College examinations, the Examination Committee also monitoring the University Examinations through various mechanisms like gate-checking and hall-checking at regular intervals by the squad members.
1. The Reseach Committee consits of three members with the Professor in charge of UGC as the Convenor.
2. The Committee encourages the staff members to under take research projects and explore the possibilities of receiving financial assistance from various funding agencies like UGC, CSIR, ICSSR and ICHR.
3. The minor and major research projects submitted by the members of the staff are analysed by the Committee and suggestions, if required, are made to enrich the project proposals.
4. The Research Committee monitors the progress of the research projects and advises the members to accomplish the work within the time frame.
1. A three member commitee is constituted by the Principal for the affiliation work of the College. The members of the Committee represent all the faculties : Arts, Science and Commerce.
2. The Committee prepares the draft proposals in the prescribed proforma for making application to the government to accord permission to the newly opened subjects and subsequently to grant recognition.
3. The Committee takes initiative for submitting the applications to the University for Affiliation.
1. The Purchase Committee comprises of seven members including the Accounts Bursar and the Adminstrative Bursar of the College. The Principal is the ex-officio Chairman of the committee.
2. The over-all functioning of the committee is to consider the requirements of the College during each session.
3. It calls for quotations for the purchase of various items, considers all the quotations by making comparative statements and decides to place order to the qualified firm, taking into account the quality and the cost of the products.
4. The committee verifies if the supplied items are as per the given specifications & on being satisfied it recommends to the Accounts Section for payment to the concerned firms.
5. The committee, while deciding matters relating to the canons of financial propriety, can also consult and take the help of technical experts to sort out the problems whenever necessary.
1. The Construction Committee consists of seven members with the Principal as the Chairman.
2. The Committee sits at the beginning of the session to consider the construction of the new building and extension of the existing class rooms.
3. It also takes up the repairing and maintenance work of the existing structures as and when necessary.
4. The local SDO, Roads and Buildings acts as the technical expert relation to matters of construction of building and repairing work. The Director, College Development Council, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar inspects and certifies the constructed buildings.
5. Emphasis is made for the use of quality materials as per the advice of the technical expert.
1. The Cell consists of the Principal, the Vice-Principal, the Adminstraive Bursar and one senior member of the staff.
2. The objective of the Cell is to look into the genuine grievances of the students, guardians and staff members of the College. The necessary guidelines in connection with the redressal of grievance is made available to all.
The students in general are allowed to put forth their grievances in writing in connection with their academic needs and the library requirements. In addition the poor and the needy students make submissions regarding their financial problems. They submit their written grievances in the Grievance Redresal Box which are examined by the Cell at the end of every day and follow-up actions are taken on the basis of its recommendations.
The guardians are allowed to meet the Principal between 3 to 4 PM. everyday in connection with the problems of their wards, if any, in the College. They are advised to submit the grievances in writing whenever necessary.
The members of the staff have the freedom of submitting their grievances to the Principal for the redressal of their personal and professional problems. They are also encourged to suggest measures for the all-round development of the institution.
A Placement cell was instituted during the session 2007-08 to enable the final year under graduate students to get a chance to be recruited in Companies.Faculty members in-charge are to take responsibility for campus selection. During these years we have achieved a lot.
1. The publication Commiittee consists of four members : the Heads of the Departments of English, Oriya, Sanskrit and one senior member from the Science faculty.
2. The Committee undertakes the printing of the College Magazine SUDESHNA,the College Calendar, the Prospectus of the College, the Wall Magazine, the admission forms and other required documents of the College.
3. The Principal supervises the function of the said committee.
1. The College encourages the faculty members to enrich and expand the horizons of their knowledge by the way of attending orientation and refresher courses organised by UGC.
2. Besides, they are also inspired to present research papers, participate in various seminars, conferences and workshops.
3. The College also allows staff members to participate in literary / academic / training programmes as resource persons.
4. The staff members are assigned with co-curricular activities and they also undertake various extension activities which are encourged by the College authorities.
1. The Cell comprises of the Principal, the Vice-Principal, the Adminstrative Bursar and one senior member of the staff.
2. The objective of the Cell is to enrich the quality of the institution in its different aspects.
3. Emphasis is laid on achieving excellence in teaching and learning by arousing consciousness among the teachers and the students.
4. The sincerity and performance of the teachers and the students are evaluated through periodical inspections and formulation of guidelines. The Cell suggests necessary measures for the improvement and advancement in the quality of education.
5. The implementation of quality improvement measures through the other committees of the College are monitored by this Cell.
The Cell also lays emphasis on improving the quality in the field of sports and games and in literary, artistic, cultural and scientific aspects.
6 .The Cell also directs its attention at the inculcation of moral values and discipline in the students. The students are advised to cultivate the traditional Indian values like respect for the elders and to develop harmonious social relationships.
Besides, there are other committees like the Admission Committee, the Discipline Committee, the committee for preparing the Academic Calendar and the Counselling Cell which play a significant role in the smooth functioning of the College.