Students Council
The college has the following societies and clubs which provide scope for cultural activities of the members of the staff. The Principal is the final authority over all the societies and has the power to amend or suspend a society at his discretion.
1. The College Union
2. The Dramatic Society
3. The Athletic Club
4. The Science Society
5. The Commerce Society
The college union shall remain as the sole tribute of students opinion inside the college. Its functions are:
(a) To organise discussion on general, cultural, academic, national and international problems.
(b) To organise debates.
(c) To invite eminent persons to address the Union.
(d) To take up such other activities as are proposed by the union and approved by the Principal.
(e) To represent to the authorities the views of the members in all matters of interest to them.
All the students of the college are the members of the union and are eligible to contest for election and franchise their votes to any of its offices.
The meeting of the union shall be open to all members of the staff, who, if they desire, can take part in the proceedings of the meetings.
There shall be an Executive Committee of the College Union consisting of the following :
(a) The President
(b) The Vice-President
An office bearer shall hold office for the entire academic session unless he/she.
1. (a) Ceases to be a student of the College.
(b) Takes transfer certificate from the College.
(c) Is removed from the College on disciplinary grounds.
2. Voluntarily resigns in writing addressed to the Principal.
3. Is removed from the office as provided in Rule (4).
4. An office-bearer who fails in the proper discharge of his / her duties can be removed by a motion passed by a two third majority of the members present and voting expressing want of confidence in his / her by means of secret ballot at an extraordinary meeting called of the purpose. Such meeting will be presided by Principal.
5. The office bearers who are students of second year and final year of +3 classes shall be deem to a regular student unfit to attend any cultured and union meeting after the Annual Examination of the College.
(d) Asst. Secretary
(e) A class Representative to be elected from each year of +3 classes.
1. The functions of the Executive Committee shall be:
(a) To chalk out the programmes of the union activities for the session.
(b) To adopt the Union Budget for the session.
(c) To undertake such other activities as are consistent with the objective of the Union in accordance with the constitution.
2. (a) An ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the Secretary in consultation with the Advisor, Notice of such a meeting with date, time, place and agenda shall be given to members at least 48 hours prior to the meetings.
(b) An extraordinary meeting of the Executive committee can be convened by the President in the absence of the Secretary with the consent of the Principal.
(c) An extraordinary meeting of the Executive committee can be convened by the Secretary with the consent of the Principal.
(d) A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by President or in his/her absence by the Vice-President or in absence of both by any member of the Committee elected at the meeting, such election being conducted by the Advisor.
(e) No meeting of the Executive committee can be conducted without quorum.
(f) The minutes of the meeting shall be maintained by the Secretary and a copy there of shall be communicated to the Principal through the Advisor within two days.
(g) The Executive Committee of the Union shall discuss the budget at an annual meeting of the Committee and decide from time to time about all other matters concernig the activities of the Union.
1. There shall be an Advisor and some Associate Advisors nominated by the principal from among the members of the staff.
2. The Advisor and Associate Advisors shall be present at the executive meetings of the Union. They will extend their helpful suggestions, whenever necessary, in the proper conduct of meeting. The President may refer to the Advisor any rule for interpretation and decision of the Advisor when so referred to shall be final.
3. The Advisor and Associate Advisors may at any time during a meeting, at the request of the President, explain the scope and effect of a, motion or amendment.
4. The Advisor may, if he / she is unable to be present at a meeting, request the senior most Associate Advisor to take his/her place. He /she shall discharge all the functions of the Advisor.
A final year degree student is eligible to contest for the President ship of the union.The President shall preside over all ordinary meetings of the Union at which he/she will be
present and over extraordinary meetings. Subjects to consent of the Advisor or the Principal. He/she shall be responsible for maintaining order.
A +3 1st., 2nd., 3rd., 4th. Semester student is eligible to contest for the post of Vice-President of the College Union. In the absence of the President, the vice-President shall assume all his/her rights and discharge all his/her duties.
A 5th & 6th Semester student can contest for the post of Secretary of the College Union. The Secretary shall arrange debates, give notice of all ordinary meetings and record the minutes of all meetings. He / She shall keep the accounts of the Union.
A+3 1st., 2nd., 3rd., 4th., Semester student is eligible to stand for election to the Assistant Secretary of the College Union. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary and in his / her absence perform all his / her functions.
1. The annual election shall take place for different officers of the College Union on a date fixed by the DHE, Odisha.
2. Nomination to such election, duly seconded, shall reach the Principal in proper form supplied by the office three days after the notification for election is published.
3. A member can seek election for one office only.
4. A student desirous of contesting for any post must secure the requisite percentage of attendance at least 75% failing which he/she will not be eligible to contest.
5. A student desirous of contesting for any post must give an undertaking in the form of a court affidavit to the effect that he / she is not convicted by any court of law.
6. The nominations after proper scrutiny by a board of officers appointed by the Principal shall be published at least four days before the date of polling and withdrawal may be made in writing within 24 hours of the publication of the list of nominated candidates.
7. Within 24 hours of the withdrawal of the candidates, the final list of contestants will be notified and after one day the candidates will be allowed to address the voters in the meeting “What I stand for” organised by the Advisor.
8. Twenty four hours after “What I stand for” meeting, polling shall be conducted. The conduct of polling, recording and attestation of votes shall be done in such manner as the Principal shall determine.
9. Every member of the Union has the right to vote in every election.
10. No member shall give more than one vote for each office to be filled.
11. The candidate obtaining the largest number of votes shall be declared elected.
12. In case of any equality of votes between any two candidates, the election of the successful candidate shall be determined by lottery.
13. A candidate defeated within a margin of 5 votes is eligible to apply to the Principal requesting him for recounting within 24 hours of the declaration of the result along with a security deposit of Rs.200/-(non refundable).
14. All cases of dispute in the election shall be referred to the Principal whose ruling, will be final.
(a) The students, contesting for different posts, cannot display hoarding, banner, wall writing and posters.
(b) A student, who does not have at least 75% attendance in all subjects, cannot contest for any post. 75% attendance of a candidate will be determined by computing his attendances in all subjects taken together.
(c) If any contesting candidate indulges in violent activities to intimidate any student to vote for him/her, he/she, shall be disqualified and his/her candidature shall stand cancelled.
(d) If the Election to the Students’ Union is not held as per the schedule on the date already notified due to protest or trouble created by students, no further election shall be held in that college for the current academic session.
(e) The candidate or any bonafide student of the concerned institution duly authorized by the candidate can file nomination.
(f) The candidate will give an undertaking at the time of filing nomination as given below.
(i) No Criminal case is pending against the candidate on the date of filing nomination.
(ii)The candidate will not use any banner, push card, wall writing and hoarding for election.
The Students willing to contest in the ensuing election are directed to be present along with their Proposers and Seconders at the time of Scrutiny of Nomination with the VALID AND UP-TO-DATE IDENTITY CARDS.
(1) The students, contesting for different posts, cannot display hoarding, banner, wall writing and posters. However they can display paper hoarding in the specified place meant for it.
(2) A student, who does not have at least 75% attendance in all subjects, cannot contest for any post. 75% attendance of a candidate will be determined by computing his attendances in all subjects taken together.
(3) If any contesting candidate indulges in violent activities to intimidate any student to vote for him / her, he/she, shall be disqualified and his/her candidature shall stand cancelled.
(4) If the Election to the Students union is not held as per the schedule on the date already notified due to protest or trouble created by students, no further election shall be held in that college for the current academic session, 2009-10.
(5) The candidate or any bonafide student of the concerned institution duly authorized by the candidate can file Nomination.
(6) The candidate will give an undertaking at the time of filling nomination as given below.
(i) No Criminal case is pending against the candidate on the date of filing nomination.
(ii) The candidate will not use any banner, push card, wall writing and hoarding for election other than the place meant for it.
(iii) Election related Expenditure: Each candidate is to spend a maximum amount of Rs.5,000/- in the election and is to submit the self certified account by the notified date to the Principal.
(7) Undergraduate students between the ages of 17 and 22 years are eligible to contest the election meant for +3 streams.
(8) The candidate should in no event have any academic arrears in the year of contesting line election.
(9) The candidate shall have one opportunity to contest for the post of office bearer and two opportunities to contest for the post of an executive member.
(10) No candidate shall indulge in, nor shall abet, any activity, which may aggravate existing differences or create mutual hatred or cause tension between different castes and communities, religious or linguistic or between any group(s) of students.
(11) Criticism of other candidates, when made, shall be confined to their policies and programmes, past record and work. Candidates shall refrain from criticism of all aspects of private, life, or not connected with the public activities of the other candidates. Criticism of other candidates or their supporters based on unverified allegations or distortion shall be avoided.
(12) There shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes. Places of worship, within or without the campus shall not be used for election propaganda.
(13) All candidates shall be prohibited from indulging or abetting, all activities which are considered to be “Corrupt Practices “and offences, such as bribing of
voters, intimidation of voters, impersonation of voters, canvassing or the use of propaganda within 100 meters of polling station, holding, public meetings during the period of 24 hours ending with the hour fixed for the close of the poll and the transport and conveyance of voters to & from the polling station.
(14) No candidate shall be permitted to make use of print posters, printed pamphlets or any other printed materials for the purpose of canvassing. Candidates may only utilize handmade posters which are to be procured within the expenditure limit set out herein above.
(15) Candidate may only utilize hand-made posters at certain places in the campus, which shall be notified in advance by the election commission.
(16) No candidate shall be permitted to carry out processions or public meetings or in any way canvas or distribute propaganda outside the college campus.
(17) No candidate shall, nor shall his / her supporters, deface or cause any destructions to any property of the college campus for any purpose whatsoever, without the prior written permission of the College authorities. All candidates shall be held jointly and severally liable for any destruction / defacing of any college property.
(18) During this election period the candidates may hold processions and / or public meetings provided that such procession and / or public meeting do not in any manner, disturb the classes and other academic and co-curricular activities of the college. Further, such procession / public meeting may not be held without the prior written permission of the college authority.
(19) The use of loud speakers, vehicles and animals for the purpose of canvassing shall be prohibited.
(20) On the day of polling student organized candidates shall:
(i) Co-operate with the officers on election duty to ensure peaceful and orderly polling and complete freedom to the voters to exercise their franchise without being subjected to any annoyance or obstruction.
(ii) Nor serve or distribute any eatables, or other solid and liquid consumables, except water on polling day.
(iii) No hand out or any propaganda on the poling day.
(21) Except the voters no one without a valid pass / letters of authority from the election commission or from the college authorities shall enter the polling booths.
(22) All candidates shall be jointly responsible for ensuring the clearing up of the polling area within 48 hours of the conclusion of polling.
(23) Any contraception of any of the above recommendation may make the candidate liable to be stripped of his candidature, of his elected post, as the case may be. The election commissioner / college authorities may also take appropriate disciplinary action against such a violator.
(24) There should be Grievance Redressal Cell with the Dean (student welfare) / Teacher in charge of students affairs as its chairman. In addition, one senior faculty member, one senior administrative officer and two final year students – one boy and one girl (till the election results declared). Students can be nominated on the basis of merit and / or participation in the co-curricular activities in the previous year.) The Grievance cell shall
An office bearer shall hold office for the entire academic session unless he/she.
1. (a) Ceases to be a student of the College.
(b) Takes transfer certificate from the College.
(c) Is removed from the College on disciplinary grounds.
2. Voluntarily resigns in writing addressed to the Principal.
3. Is removed from the office as provided in Rule (4).
4. An office-bearer who fails in the proper discharge of his / her duties can be removed by a motion passed by a two third majority of the members present and voting expressing want of confidence in his / her by means of secret ballot at an extraordinary meeting called off the purpose. Such meeting will be presided by Principal.
5. The office bearers who are students of second year and final year of +3 classes shall be deemed to have vacated their offices on first date officially fixed for collection of the University Examination fees etc.and submission of final application forms for the respective University Examinations (without the payment of late fee). When the President vacates his/her office on the above ground, the Vice-President shall succeed him/her as the Acting President.
1. All meetings will be usually presided over by the President . At least two days notice shall be given before every ordinary meeting.
2. An extraordinary meeting of the Union may be convened:
(a) At the Principal’s discretion.
(b) At the request of the President.
(c) On the written requisition addressed to the Principal and signed by not less than two third members of the Union.
3. The Principal or his / her nominee shall preside over any extraordinary meeting, when this will be deemed necessary by the Principal.
1. In the absence of both President and Vice-President in an ordinary meeting, the members present, will elect a Chairman from among themselves, the Advisor taking the chair until the election is over. The Chairman shall assume all rights and shall discharge all the duties of the President during the meeting.
2. At the commencement of each ordinary meeting, the secretary shall read the report of the previous meeting which has been signed by the President.
3. Every speech shall be relevant to the subject of debate of the amendment proposed.
4. The president may call any member to order. If a member disregards any order or ruling of the president or the Advisor, the President may forthwith ask the member to withdraw from the meeting and may report his / her name to the Principal. If necessary, the President may dissolve the meeting.
1. Amendment to any of these rules shall be considered in the annual meeting of the Union.
2. Amendment to any of the provision of the constitution may be brought by any member of the Union.
3. Amendment will be in order which is not duly seconded and of which a week’s clear notice has not been received.
4. An amendment to become effective must be passed by a majority of two-third of the members present at the annual meeting and must receive the approval of the Principal.
All members of the College Union shall pay a consolidated membership fee as stipulated in College prospectus from time to time and collected by the College Office.